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Please find some answers to some frequently asked questions.
We've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions that we have received since we setup The Bench UK.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, please get in touch.
Q. Is The Bench UK a non-profit project?
A. Yes, all funds are re-invested into our project.
Q. Is The Bench UK a mental health project for just men?
A. No, mental health affects everyone, we are gender neutral.
Q. Where are you buying the benches from?
A. Social media, local auctions, online auctions sites to name a few.
Q. Where are the benches installed?
A. In public places, businesses and open spaces throughout the UK.
Q. My business has public space, how do can I get a bench?
A. There are many ways to get a bench including sponsorship. We will find you a suitable bench and get it restored for you.
We do not get involved in the installation process however, we ask you to organise this.
Q. If I want to restore a bench, will it cost my anything?
A. No, funds permitting, we will buy you a bench and the materials needed for the restoration.
Q. I do not belong to a Men's Shed. Can I still restore a bench?
A. Yes, absolutely. We encourage anyone to restore a bench.
The act of restoring a bench can be a form of mindful restoration, not only for the object but for the person doing the work.
Q. How will the donations and sponsorship funds be used?
A. Donations will be used for all activities from to buying benches, restoration materials, logistics, marketing/PR, admin, filming and video poroduction.
Q. How will you ensure people you talk to get professional help if they require it?
A. We recognise that talking about personal experiences can be traumatic. We will offer ongoing support with healthcare professionals for those who require it.
Q. Do conversations that are recorded occur only on the benches you buy and install?
A. No. We film on public benches which are accessible. The benches we buy and install will inevitably appear in some episodes.
Q. Are the videos scripted?
A. No.
Q. What's your connection with The Check-in Co?
A. We have collaborated with The Check-in Co on various events and projects. We look forward to more in the future.
Q. Are you looking for more people to film with?
A. Yes. Anyone who is interested in sharing their story should contact us via the email link.
Q. Why is the E back-to-front in The Bench?
A. It is a metaphor for the misconceptions surrounding mental health.
If you have a question that is not answered above, please contact us
Join Us!
If you would like to restore, install or suggest a location for a bench, please get in touch.
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